Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Pregnancy tips Study Shows Breastfeeding May Improve Sight

I've heard about the many benefits of breastfeeding, but here's a new one: breastfed babies may have better sight. Read More:

Breast-fed babies 'grow up to have better sight'

From the article:

" The researchers, from the Institute of Child Health in London, studied 262 children aged between four and six. Of these, 78 had previously been breast-fed and 184 had been given formula milk.

Some of the babies drinking bottled milk were given a type fortified with two types of fatty acids, DHA and AA.

Some scientists believe DHA, a type of omega 3 fatty acid, is behind breast milk's ability to improve children's sight.

When they were tested, the breast-fed children were significantly more likely to have better vision. Lead researcher Dr Atul Singhal said: "Our study adds to the growing evidence that breast-feeding has long-term benefits for visual development."

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