Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pregnancy tips More On Exercise in Pregnancy

It's not just pregnant women that have a hard time fitting exercise into their day. But according to the study cited below, the pregnant women who did find the time to exercise probably were just better at time management. Read more:

Differences Among Exercisers And Nonexercisers During Pregnancy

From the article:


There were no differences between groups based on maternal age, education levels, employment, number of children, fetal gender, and even maternal height. Although these groups were similar in many ways, there were significant differences between groups and trends as well:

Although the most common reason for not exercising during pregnancy is ‘lack of time,’ 85% of control women spend more than 1 hour at the TV or computer and 77% spend more than 1 hour read/writing/studying.

There was a trend for the exercisers to have slightly more sleep and reading time.

There was a trend for non-exercisers to have slightly more TV/computer time.

BMI and maternal pre-pregnancy weight was significantly lower in the exercisers. Additionally, women with more education had lower BMIs, in general for both groups.

For non-exercising pregnant women, employment was a factor in maternal weight and BMI, such that those who were worked outside of the home had lower BMIs

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