Friday, July 13, 2012

Pregnancy tips Casting Call, A&E Series

A&E; Contacted Me to ask if my blog readers might be interested in being on a television show. I told them I would post the notice, so if anyone is interested here is the information:

Powerful New A&E; Series Is Now Casting Couples Who Need Help With An In-Law!

In-laws: most people have them. ..and sometimes, they can be a whole lot more than a couple bargained for. A&E; Network shines a light on married couples dealing with in-laws as they try to make peace with the help of an unconventional, no-nonsense relationship expert in the new original real-life series "Monster In-Laws".

“A ground-breaking new series that explores the complex relationships between married couples and their in-laws.”

Are you struggling to maintain a relationship with an out-of-control in-law?

Is a cultural or background divide challenging your relationship?

Does the statement, “When mom/dad says no, ask grandma/grandpa” ring true in your family?

Does your mother or father-in-law still baby your husband/wife, challenge your parenting style or openly disrespect you?

If you’re desperate to repair your relationship with an in-law before it’s too late, we want to hear from you! Families who appear on the show will have the opportunity to work with a professional relationship expert who will help them to identify their issues and repair their relationships. Families who appear on the show will receive a generous financial honorarium as a “thank you” for their time and commitment to the show. There is also a finder's fee for anyone who nominates a family who makes the show.

To apply, please email us with your name, contact information, a brief description of your current in-law situation and a family photo to:

(212) 564-2607, ext 2399

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