Friday, July 6, 2012

Pregnancy tips Interesting Perspective On Older Parenthood

I think older parents who previously struggled with infertility sometimes are accused of over-sheltering and under-disciplining. This article may give you a different perspective. Read more:

From the article:

As for the other challenges of being an older parent, well, frankly, I'm just not aware of them. Experience has made me a better time manager, and I take no shame in my liberal use of those little yellow stick-em notes as reminders. My energy level -- and keep in mind, I'm not chasing toddlers here -- has always been high. I'm no Energizer Bunny after 9 p.m., but I do manage to juggle full-time work with my family's needs and I have never missed either a deadline or a soccer game. I give myself permission to serve peanut butter sandwiches for dinner when I run out of steam and -- again a nod to my lack of patience and unwillingness to have my kids bug me for every little thing -- I taught my children to be self-sufficient wherever I could. They are perfectly capable of making their own lunches for school and know better than to leave their breakfast dishes in the sink unwashed waiting for Mommy.

And yes, it really is simple as that: I knew what I couldn't tolerate and don't think my kids suffer from my unwillingness to let them annoy me. We set boundaries and enforced them. Period. I never let my kids run wild or run over me. I've never hit them, but I have been known to yell and apparently I have a cold Mommy stare that is icy enough to freeze bad behavior in its tracks.

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