Saturday, July 21, 2012

Baby Tips Type Of Birth Control Pills

Contraception is the prevention of pregnancy or prevention of conception. To achieve these goals, various ways can be done, including the use of birth control pills / oral contraceptives. Previous, current oral contraceptive pills have a higher amount of hormones; birth control pills today have a low dose with health benefits. So, women can take birth control pills with minimal health risks

Generally there are three types of birth control pills available

1. Progestin only pill (POP)
He is also known as "mini-pill" containing no estrogen. It is recommended for breastfeeding women because estrogen reduces milk production. POP pill works by thickening the cervical mucus, preventing sperm into the uterus

2. Combination Pill
Birth control pills are widely known to control experienced a combination of two hormones progestin and estrogen. Type of oral contraceptive pills come with a pack of 21 "active pills" and 7 "placebo", which does not contain hormones. This is, in fact, known as "reminder pills"

The combination pill is sub-divided again into three types of pills because the levels of two hormones progestin and estrogen.

i) Monophasic Pill
Here, every active pill contains the same amount of progestin and estrogen. Another seven placebo pills have no hormones. Menstruation begins when placebo pills are taken

ii) Multiphasic Pill
They are also known as biphasic or triphasic oral contraceptive pill because of varying levels of hormones in active pills. These pills need to be taken at a certain time in the schedule the entire pill. Multiphasic Pill helps offset the risks of oral contraceptives.

iii) Continuously control pill
also known as the 365-day pill should be taken continuously throughout the year without the year. This is a new entry in the market of oral contraceptive pills birth control. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Lybrel, which is the only birth pill continuously so far approved and available for general use women. Women not menstruating when they are under the care of Lybrel, however, they may find some breakthrough bleeding or spotting, particularly in the early stages.

3) Emergency Pill
Also known as the "morning after pill” is designed for the protection of pregnancy immediately after unprotected sex. It is highly recommended to take emergency pills within 48 hours and a maximum of 72 hours to be effective in preventing pregnancy. This is different from the usual oral contraceptive pills where you plan your birth control in advance. Emergency pills are also taken when the women's sexual violence. The FDA has approved Plan B as the safest emergency pills. Because the OTC (over the counter) approved by the FDA for women over 18 years, Plan B can now be ordered behind pharmacy counter.

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