Sunday, July 22, 2012

Baby Tips The Need Of Birth Control Today

Rapid growth in world population and increased sense of general awareness on HIV / AIDS has been forced to think about birth control methods. The world population today estimated to be approximately 6.4 billion with an annual growth of 76 million and, therefore, expected to reach 9 billion by 2050. In the next two decades, two highly populous countries, China & India is estimated to reach a population of 1.5 billion is more than a third of the total world population. This is a worrying situation for the world to control the "population explosion". Therefore, the UN urged the country inhabited country specifically to control their population.

According to a survey report of birth control methods are implemented in 169 countries, 137 million women are willing to delay their contraceptives, 64 million women use family planning measures less effective. If these women be assisted with adequate birth control treatment (such as pills, condoms), 23 million unplanned births, 22 million induced abortions and 1.4 million infants could be avoided as estimated by the United Nations Population Fund.

Besides population issues, HIV / AIDS are also very important factors which forced the need for birth control. Is estimated, the world will have 38 million people have either AIDS or infected with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). In seven African countries, one in 5 adults is infected with HIV. Birth control methods, therefore, become necessity to control further spread of HIV / AIDS, especially in those countries. Residents in these countries are projected to reach 35% lower by 2025 free from HIV / AIDS. This further reduces the total life expectancy an average of 29 years in these countries.

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