Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Baby Tips Peanut Butter and Jelly Macarons

Before I begin the story of my culinary journey, I have to disclose that this is not a healthy recipe.  Yes, this is a nutrition blog, but it's also a place for me to explore the beauty of food and recipe development.  It's ok to indulge once in a while but everything in moderation!

I had never made macarons (pronounced Macaroni, without the I sound) before this experiment.  I had never even tasted a macaron.  The closest I had come to one was on the other side of a bakery window.  Macarons are known for two things: coming in pretty pastel colors and being made out of almonds.  I love the way they look but don't care for baked goods with almond flavor so that's why I've never tried one.

When I found about First on the First, a blog hop started by Kate @ Food Babbles and Carrie @ Poet in the Pantry, I was excited to get on board.  First on the First attempts a cooking or baking feat that is new to you and shares the results with the world.  February's theme is macarons and I really wanted to be a part of it but I knew I'd have to make some adjustments to these traditionally almond flavored cookies to make them my own.


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