Saturday, July 28, 2012

Baby Tips Cost of democracy From the dining room table at home.

It is said that any society is a democratic society together. Shall have learned that social democracy for the people, both in terms of ideological thinking and ways of life, from childhood onwards.
"The article is careful for a while Direct expression of the different ideas will be subject to the same standard. Parents must not create a double standard. Will allow children in the family in the midst of love and warmth. "
Events, political gatherings. Even lead to violence in Thai society. If no explanation from the parents, the children may not understand the cost or lack of life in it.

Therefore, a balanced understanding of the democratic process should be addressed to the child to talk about. The instructional cost of living in democracy has three criteria to teach a child, thinking dare deny equality in society. And the ability to adapt to a variety of social 3 This is a cost of living in democracy, since small.

For society. Parents with child rearing techniques in the first category are 3 types of authoritarian parents are only children must obey. What parents views or beliefs. Children have to walk by them a second parent neglected without rules, three types of parents who create a democratic family. The family members can post comments to a power dribble comprehensive products that would be bad. But the authoritarian right and justified.

For children ages birth to 1 year who need care from their parents to old enough 100% for the second year. Children will play with their parents. Behavior of children in these ages. To think they own them. Neneoong which makes them need to start setting rules to safeguard the lives and property of members of the House. Example of creating rules. When children are learned slowly. Parents need to find something to prevent the probe socket. Or building fences, not the baby walk out. And children 3-6 years old in years, some families have to leave your child with Child Care Centres. The children will begin to think more independently in their. Authoritarian parents are missing 1 / 3 the rest of it. Children begin to learn of the Center for Children in the society.

When entering grade 1-3, authoritarian parents are only 50% of children will begin to comment on the dining table. Reasoning with them. Begin to set the rules of their parents as well. Dining room table of the house. It is a good starting point of the cost of implanting democracy clients.

From the above factors. Before the child enters adolescence. Authoritarian parents of almost 100% gone half. If you do not create the rules together in the family It may be too late to instill democratic rules, the cost will lead to recognition of their role and responsibilities in the home. The family can stay together. And to create a society to adjust to small. Not to invade others. And to the social customs of a majority.

The family has rules will make way for a democratic society are balanced. Because every man knew the duties of their opportunity to discuss the comments in the family It is short of the democratic world have food on the table is aware of a few minutes. Direct expression of the different ideas will be subject to the same standard. Parents must not create a double standard. Will allow children in the family in the midst of love and warmth.

Children who are raised in the traditional democratic process. The hospitality there is a democracy. Once outside the house is known to control emotions and resolving problems well. The advantage of absorption from the democratic process in the home. The balance will be expanded democracy. And it will be good for the country in the future.

Although today's democratic nation may be somewhat flawed. But still can not decide that. Vulnerability. Caused by the family cultivating democracy is not enough. Because the way our society is also home to focus on the small, but it's not too late. If the Thai family will begin campaigning. "Democratic" on the dining table to instill democracy in the cost of life to children. To live fully in the democratic pride.

Contributed by: Dr.. Sunbeam that de Tree Friends Paee chief clinical Teenagers. National Institute of Child Health, Queen Sirikit. And managers, health, child and youth programs.

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